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4-H Cat show:  First Sunday of Fair Week, 1pm

Vet check at 12:30, cost is $1

Cloverbud evaluation will be at the end of the 4-H Cat show. The show will be held in the small animal barn.


Mary Anne Tompkins...............................Superintendent

REGULATIONS: No female in heat or obviously pregnant, or cat with litter is to be exhibited.



1. Members are responsible for the training, feeding and care of their fair project (cat or kitten) while in their possession before fair.

2. Member’s project animal(s) may be purebred or a household pet.

3.   FVR-CP and Rabies inoculations are required for all cats shown at the fair. Any feline that has the Rabies inoculation two years in a row, is not required to have additional inoculations the following three years. All shots should be secured no later than June 15. The certificate of these inoculations from the veterinarian is to be available for review on show day.

4.   All cats and/or kittens must be owned by the member prior to May 1.

5.   Cats and/or kittens are to be brought to the fair in a carrier suitable for their size. On the day of judging, cats and/or kittens are to be exhibited and taken home the same day.

6.   Animal must be able to be handled by owner. Members must enter and show a cat and/or kitten in order to enter the poster and decorated cage classes.

7.   Decisions of the judge are final. Any complaints, improvements, or suggestions are to be given in writing and presented to the Small Animal Association.

8.   All 4-H Cats must have their nails clipped, a safety factor for member and judge.

9.   A 4-H cat and/or kitten will be marked down if any of the following are found by the 4-H Judge:

             a. Knots in the hair

            b. Ear mites, fleas or lice

            c. Unhealthy or dirty general appearance

10. Judging will include:

            a General appearance and condition

            b. Temperament and proper handling

            c. Hair coat, paws, nails

            d. Body build

11. Reserve Champion Feline Showmanship will only be awarded if there are four or more entries AND only if the judge warrants.

12.  Shots must be completed by June 15.


Classes (animal & member age classification):

1101 Senior Cat Showmanship; ages 15- 19.  Must do showmanship to do cat carrier and education.

1102 Junior Cat Showmanship; ages 8-14. Must do showmanship to do cat carrier and education.

1103 Decorated Cat Cage; ages 8 -19

1104 Senior Cat Education; ages 15-19.  Must include poster and presentation

1105 Junior Cat Education; ages 8 -14.  Must include   poster and presentation.

1106 Cat Project Records

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