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Saturday, 9 AM

Exhibitors need to meet in the Livestock Pavilion at 8:30.

Exhibitor Packet 

Superintendents: Jeff Bluemer, Amy Thielen


1.     Open to Senior, Intermediate, Junior Champion Showmanship winners. All species are invited to participate; horses, dairy, dairy feeders, steers, lambs, and swine.

2.     Champion showman will compete with champion showman from all other species.

a)    If the champion showman declines then the reserve showman from that species is eligible to compete in the overall showmanship.

b)    If an exhibitor wins more than one species, the species that they will represent will be chosen by a draw overseen by the Superintendents of the species involved.  The reserve winner in the other species is then eligible to compete.

c)     Required meeting for all Grand and Reserve Grand Champion Showman will be held on Thursday of fair week at 4 p.m. in the Fair Office to determine participants for the show.

3.   All contestants will show one species at the same time. Show will begin with senior showman, intermediate showman and junior showman.

4.     Superintendents will select animals to be shown prior to the contest.  A participant may not show his or her own animal in the overall showmanship.

5.     Contestants will be judged on their showmanship and knowledge of each species, not on fitting and grooming of the animals.

6.     The contestants will be placed first to last on the score sheet only. 

7.     Contestants are encouraged to obtain information regarding showing a particular species from other exhibitors in that species area.

8.     Animals being used for overall competition will be given a number prior to each competition. Each contestant will draw a number before each competition to pick the animal that they will show.

9.     The dairy class will be a combination of yearling heifer and mature cows.

10. All horses shown will be western or stock type.

11. When possible, there will be a different judge for each species.

12. The overall superintendent will pick the judges.  Recommendations for judges will be made by the superintendent of each species.

13. Superintendent must inform judges of each species to rotate animals.

14. In the event of a tie, trophies will be awarded to the exhibitor with the highest placings (1st being the highest).

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